Getting upload progress using Azure Storage in Android -

i'm uploading file in android application. code pretty simple:

    private boolean uploadfile(string filelocation) {         try {              if (textutils.isempty(filelocation)) {                 return false;             }              file fsrc = new file(filelocation);              if (!fsrc.exists()) {                 return false;             }              boolean breturn = azuremanager.init(this);             if (!breturn) {                 return false;             }              string blobname = fsrc.getname();              inputstream in = new bufferedinputstream(new fileinputstream(fsrc));             cloudblobcontainer container = azuremanager.getcloudblobclient().getcontainerreference(azuremanager.getcontainername());             cloudblockblob blob = container.getblockblobreference(blobname);             blob.upload(in, fsrc.length());              in.close();             return true;         } catch (exception e) {             //handle exception         }         return false;     } 

when download azure, cloudblockblob has download listener as:


but how can keep track of progress when uploading?

i finding way in java or android. but, if want make own way, without changing on server, can make similar this answer. answer in c# need find similar method java library , update accordingly.

if don't want go on answer, can refer same code here well.

using; using; using; using system; using system.collections.generic; using; using system.linq; using system.text; using system.threading; using system.threading.tasks;  namespace consoleapplication1 {     class program     {         static cloudstorageaccount storageaccount = new cloudstorageaccount(new storagecredentials("accountname", "accountkey"), true);         static void main(string[] args)         {             cloudblobclient myblobclient = storageaccount.createcloudblobclient();             myblobclient.singleblobuploadthresholdinbytes = 1024 * 1024;             cloudblobcontainer container = myblobclient.getcontainerreference("adokontajnerneki");             //container.createifnotexists();             cloudblockblob myblob = container.getblockblobreference("");             var blocksize = 256 * 1024;             myblob.streamwritesizeinbytes = blocksize;             var filename = @"d:\";             long bytestoupload = (new fileinfo(filename)).length;             long filesize = bytestoupload;              if (bytestoupload < blocksize)             {                 cancellationtoken ca = new cancellationtoken();                 var ado = myblob.uploadfromfileasync(filename,, ca);                 console.writeline(ado.status); //does not                 ado.continuewith(t =>                 {                     console.writeline("status = " + t.status);                     console.writeline("it over"); //this working ok                 });             }             else             {                 list<string> blockids = new list<string>();                 int index = 1;                 long startposition = 0;                 long bytesuploaded = 0;                                 {                     var bytestoread = math.min(blocksize, bytestoupload);                     var blobcontents = new byte[bytestoread];                     using (filestream fs = new filestream(filename,                     {                         fs.position = startposition;               , 0, (int)bytestoread);                     }                     manualresetevent mre = new manualresetevent(false);                     var blockid = convert.tobase64string(encoding.utf8.getbytes(index.tostring("d6")));                     console.writeline("now uploading block # " + index.tostring("d6"));                     blockids.add(blockid);                     var ado = myblob.putblockasync(blockid, new memorystream(blobcontents), null);                     ado.continuewith(t =>                     {                         bytesuploaded += bytestoread;                         bytestoupload -= bytestoread;                         startposition += bytestoread;                         index++;                         double percentcomplete = (double)bytesuploaded / (double)filesize;                         console.writeline("percent complete = " + percentcomplete.tostring("p"));                         mre.set();                     });                     mre.waitone();                 }                 while (bytestoupload > 0);                 console.writeline("now committing block list");                 var pbl = myblob.putblocklistasync(blockids);                 pbl.continuewith(t =>                 {                     console.writeline("blob uploaded completely.");                 });             }             console.readkey();         }     } } 

let me know if can more in this. thanks.


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