Getting error using cor() in For loop in R for list of csv files -

i have list of csv files i'm iterating through

corr <- function(directory) {         filename <- list.files(directory)         x <- paste(directory, "/", sep="")         monitor_list <- paste(x, filename, sep="")         completelocations <- null         corrdata <- null 

i'm trying use cor() generate data frame has cor values 2 columns in each csv file.

  (monitor in monitor_list) {             locationinfo <- read.csv(monitor)             corrdata <- rbind(corrdata, cor(locationinfo$sulfate, locationinfo$nitrate, use = "complete.obs"))             completelocations <- rbind(completelocations, sum(complete.cases(locationinfo)))           } 

and throws error

error in cor(locationinfo$sulfate, locationinfo$nitrate, use = "complete.obs") : no complete element pairs

i know can done because when run exact same thing outside of loop, return correlation last csv file in list.

 print(cor(locationinfo$sulfate, locationinfo$nitrate, use = "complete.obs")) 

i'm relatively new r , think i'm missing inside of loop, i'm not sure is...

here 1 way replicate error

dd<-data.frame(x=c(1:10, rep(na,10)), y=c(rep(na, 10), 1:10)) cor(dd$x, dd$y, use="complete.obs") 

so seems either of nitrate , sulfate values 'na' or when 1 not 'na', other 'na'. check locationinfo data.frame looks way expect.


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