- How to create a table with header using append jquery function? -
i have created table , getting data want header in table.kindly me out.
my code
<script type="text/javascript"> function pageload(sender, args) { $(function () { $("#<%=txtcu.clientid %>").autocomplete({ source: function (request, response) { $.ajax({ url: '<%=resolveurl("~/webservice.asmx/getcus") %>', data: "{ 'prefix': '" + request.term + "'}", datatype: "json", type: "post", async: false, mustmatch: true, contenttype: "application/json; charset=utf-8", success: function (data) { response($.map(data.d, function (item) { return { label: item.split('^')[0], val: item.split('^')[1] } })) }, error: function (response) { }, failure: function (response) { } }); }, select: function (e, i) { $("#<%=hdncr.clientid %>").val(i.item.val); if (i.item.val == "no records found") { $("#<%=hdncr.clientid %>").val(-1); document.getelementbyid('<%=txtcu.clientid%>').value = ""; return false; } checkddlcustomerinfo(); }, minlength: 0 }).bind('focus', function () { $(this).autocomplete("search"); }) .data("autocomplete")._renderitem = function (ul, item) { return $("<li></li>").data("item.autocomplete", item).append("<div><table><tr><td width='200px'>" + item.label + "</td>" + "<td width='110px'>" + item.val.split('~')[6] + "</td>" + "<td>" + item.val.split('~')[4] + "</td></tr></table></div>").appendto(ul); }; }); } </script>
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