How can I secure a Batch file that locks the computer? -
okay, have lock script locks computer, using alt + tab gets around this. there way stop this? also, entering nothing , pressing enter gets around too.
the code uses 2 windows, 1 keep window open when closed
@echo off powershell -command "& { $x = new-object -comobject shell.application; $x.minimizeall() }" tskill explorer tskill explorer :a start /w lock.bat goto
and other actual lock script:
@echo off mode 35,10 cls color title locked %username% echo password? set /p password= if %password%==password goto end goto fail :end start explorer exit :fail exit
is there way stop these happening?
i solved blank issue using
if [%password%]==[] goto fail
windows has screensaver feature asks enter password resume.
you launch in batch file.
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