java - game freeze when i run a different thread javafx -
i have problem javafx: when run new thread game freeze loading , never continue
this game loop class:
public class motor implements runnable{ private mapa mapa; public motor(canvas canvas,label label){ arraylist<nivel> lstniveles = new arraylist<nivel>(); mapa=new mapa(lstniveles,canvas,label); } public void start(){ system.out.println(platform.isfxapplicationthread()); platform.runlater(this); } public void run(){ system.out.println(platform.isfxapplicationthread()); arraylist<nivel> lstniveles = new arraylist<nivel>(); mapa=new mapa(lstniveles,controladormapa.canvas,controladormapa.mapa); mapa.cargarmapa(); while(true){ try{ mapa.repaint(); thread.sleep(2000); }catch(exception e){ e.printstacktrace(); } } } }
the player class:
public class pjanimado { private image imagen; private int sx; private int sy; private int sw; private int sh; private int posx; private int posy; private int widht; private int height; private final int smovex=50; private final int smovey=75; private int numimag=0; private canvas pantalla; public pjanimado(int posx, int posy,canvas pantalla) { this.imagen = new image(getclass().getresource("../recursos/sprite_player.png").toexternalform());;; this.sw=50;; this.widht=60; this.height=60; this.posx = posx; this.posy = posy; this.pantalla=pantalla; } public void paint(){ graphicscontext g2d = pantalla.getgraphicscontext2d(); g2d.drawimage(imagen, sx, sy, sw, sh,posx,posy, widht, height); } public void moverderecha(){ this.numimag++; if(this.numimag<7){; }else{; } this.posx+=50; this.posy+=50; } public void moverpj(){ this.pantalla.addeventhandler(keyevent.key_pressed,new eventhandler<keyevent>(){ @override public void handle(keyevent event) { if(event.getcode()==keycode.d){ moverderecha(); } } }); } public int getposx() { return posx; } public void setposx(int posx) { this.posx = posx; } public int getposy() { return posy; } public void setposy(int posy) { this.posy = posy; } }
the map class:
public class mapa { private pjanimado pj; private arraylist<nivel> lstniveles; private label mapa; public mapa(arraylist<nivel> lstniveles,canvas canvas,label mapa){ this.setlstniveles(lstniveles); pj=new pjanimado(100,100,canvas); this.mapa=mapa; } public void cargarmapa(){ pj.paint(); ponerfondo(); } public void repaint(){ pj.paint(); } private void ponerfondo(){ mapa.setgraphic(new imageview(new image(getclass().getresource("../recursos/desert.jpg").toexternalform()))); } public pjanimado getpj() { return pj; } public void setpj(pjanimado pj) { this.pj = pj; } public arraylist<nivel> getlstniveles() { return lstniveles; } public void setlstniveles(arraylist<nivel> lstniveles) { this.lstniveles = lstniveles; } }
the controller class of fxml: in class load fxml
public class controladormapa implements initializable,eventhandler<keyevent>{ @fxml stackpane logo1; @fxml public static anchorpane contprincipal; @fxml public static label mapa; @fxml public static canvas canvas; public void initialize(url arg0, resourcebundle arg1) { }
and main thread guess:
public class test extends application { @override public void start(stage escenario) throws exception { parent root= fxmlloader.load(getclass().getresource("mapa.fxml")); scene scene = new scene(root); escenario.setscene(scene);; motor motor = new motor(controladormapa.canvas,controladormapa.mapa); motor.start(); } public static void main(string[] args) { launch(args); } }
you're blocking fx application thread in
while (true) { try { mapa.repaint(); thread.sleep(2000); } catch(exception e){ e.printstacktrace(); } }
i don't know why need loop wrong run fx application thread.
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