r - Is this a function shadowing error? -

nothing applicable came in search, ran error when installing package in r:

> install.packages("entropy") loading required package: stats  attaching package: ‘zoo’  following objects masked ‘package:base’:      as.date, as.date.numeric  error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : not find function "data.table" calls: source -> withvisible -> eval -> eval execution halted warning in install.packages :   installation of package ‘entropy’ had non-zero exit status 

now, had data.table loaded in running session. when ran r session root , installed package no new packages loaded, finished no errors, , can load package initial session no problem.

where error coming from, , going give me possible bad output if have data.table loaded @ same time?

edit: output of conflicts():

> conflicts()  [1] "rename"          "round_any"       "freqs"           "show"            "plot"             [6] "rootogram"       "cloud"           "layer"           "colsplit"        "french_fries"    [11] "melt"            "recast"          "smiths"          "tips"            "coef"            [16] "filter"          "fitted"          "poly"            "predict"         "plot"            [21] "prompt"          "npk"             "initialize"      "show"            "as.date"         [26] "as.date.numeric" "body<-"          "formals<-"       "kronecker"  

the list of installed packages available @ this pastebin since it's quite long.


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