ios - How to add blur to transparent detailed view controller iOS7 -

i'm developing app in ios7.1 xcode5

my app master-detail based

what want achieve menú blur effect, have transparent this:

enter image description here

this code creating master-detail window:

-(void)showsplitviewcontrollerinview:(uiview *)view         withdetailviewcontroller:(id)rightviewcontroller{      uistoryboard *mainstoryboard        = [uistoryboard storyboardwithname:@"ipad" bundle: nil];      uinavigationcontroller  *leftnavcontroller;     uinavigationcontroller  *rightnavcontroller;      menuprincipalvc  *leftviewcontroller     = [mainstoryboard instantiateviewcontrollerwithidentifier:@"menuprincipalvc"];     leftviewcontroller.title            = @" ";       leftnavcontroller                   = [[uinavigationcontroller alloc] initwithrootviewcontroller:leftviewcontroller];     rightnavcontroller                  = [[uinavigationcontroller alloc] initwithrootviewcontroller:rightviewcontroller];      leftnavcontroller.toolbarhidden                 = false;     rightnavcontroller.toolbarhidden                = false;     leftnavcontroller.navigationbar.translucent     = true;     rightnavcontroller.navigationbar.translucent    = true;     leftnavcontroller.toolbar.translucent           = false;     rightnavcontroller.toolbar.translucent          = true;      uisplitviewcontroller   *splitviewcontroller    = [[uisplitviewcontroller alloc] init];     splitviewcontroller.viewcontrollers             = [nsarray arraywithobjects:leftnavcontroller, rightnavcontroller, nil];     splitviewcontroller.delegate                    = rightviewcontroller;      if ([splitviewcontroller respondstoselector:@selector(setpresentswithgesture:)]) {         [splitviewcontroller setpresentswithgesture:no];     }  view.window.rootviewcontroller      = splitviewcontroller; } 

and making transparent set table view of menu alpha 0.98 this:

enter image description here

edit: question marked duplicated not same trying add transparency uiview inside view controller uitableview controller master view controller entire, tried solutions suggested answer there not achieve goal yet...


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