objective c - cocos2d v3 exception thrown removing sprite from scene -
so im trying make tower defense game, (towers shoot bullets @ advancing enemies), problem when try remove bullet scene after hit enemy, throws exception, no error in debugger.
here code:
-(void)shootweapon { ccsprite * bullet = [ccsprite spritewithimagenamed:@"snowball.png"]; [thegame addchild:bullet]; [bullet setposition:mysprite.position];//todo offset snowball right of tower [bullet runaction:[ccactionsequence actions:[ccactionmoveto actionwithduration:0.3 position:chosenenemy.mysprite.position],[ccactioncallfunc actionwithtarget:self selector:@selector(damageenemy)],[ccactioncallfunc actionwithtarget:self selector:@selector(removebullet:)], nil]]; } -(void)removebullet:(ccsprite *)bullet { [bullet.parent removechild:bullet cleanup:yes]; } -(void)damageenemy { [chosenenemy getdamaged:damage]; }
if has idea why going on, appreciated.
the bullet not being passed, hence exception on removebullet: method.
this line problem:
[ccactioncallfunc actionwithtarget:self selector:@selector(removebullet:)]
add breakpoint [bullet.parent removechild:bullet cleanup:yes];
, po bullet
on debugger , nil.
my solution use block action, example:
ccaction *blockaction = [ccactioncallblock actionwithblock:^{ [bullet removefromparentandcleanup:yes]; }];
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