c++ - QSplitter - changing the size of QTabWidget -

i have qtabwidget , layout. want tabs of qtabwidget occupy width of qtabwidget have this. following method expands 2 tabs in qtabwidget same size qtabwidget

void contacts::adjusttabs( int pos, int index ) {     std::string orig_sheet = ui.tabwidget->stylesheet().tostdstring();     qstring new_style = qstring("qtabbar::tab { width: %1px; } ").arg((ui.tabwidget->size().width()  /ui.tabwidget->count()));     std::string t = new_style.tostdstring();     orig_sheet = orig_sheet + t;     ui.tabwidget->setstylesheet(orig_sheet.c_str()); } 

the above method works fine. problem starts when qtabwidget set in qsplitter layout along other layout.at startup construction above method not seem work instance have this

someclass::someconstructor() {     ui.setupui(this);      .........       qobject::connect(ui.splitter,signal(splittermoved(int,int)),this,slot(adjusttabs(int,int)));      adjusttabs(0,0); } 

now when form appears horizontal size of tabs remain unchanged (they not expand - wrong). when move splitter tabs expand , fine. question how can make tabs expand during form load ? why arent expanding ?

i think trying explicitly adjust tabs' sizes whenever resize event occurs isn't best approach. if things set properly, appropriate size adjustments should naturally occur due default behavior of qsplitter , qtabwidget's internal layout managers. here simple example of mean; note there no code in program explicitly handle resizing of anything, , yet tabs resize correctly splitter moved and/or window resized:

#include <qapplication> #include <qmainwindow> #include <qpushbutton> #include <qsplitter> #include <qtabwidget>  int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {     qapplication a(argc, argv);      qmainwindow mw;      qsplitter * splitter = new qsplitter(&mw);      qtabwidget * tab = new qtabwidget;     tab->addtab(new qpushbutton("content of tab #1"), "tab #1");     tab->addtab(new qpushbutton("content of tab #2"), "tab #2");     tab->addtab(new qpushbutton("content of tab #3"), "tab #3");     splitter->addwidget(tab);      splitter->addwidget(new qpushbutton("some other content"));      mw.setcentralwidget(splitter);     mw.show();      return a.exec(); } 

so question becomes -- why aren't tabs resizing automatically? perhaps there have sizepolicy property set fixed, rather preferred or ignored?


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