r - Change size of image with a slider in Shiny -

goal: make image change size in response moving slider in shiny (rstudio). think zoom-in-zoom-out effect.

problem: there's error saying "error in basename(imageinfo$src) : character vector argument expected". can't find directly answers question , i'm not sure else try. problem how sliderinput used input$slider in server.r?

my current progress: rational set slider in ui.r file , have width of image input in server.r file.

the ui.r part:

shinyui(fluidpage(   titlepanel("nancy's brainstorming"),   sidebarlayout(  sidebarpanel(   h3(     strong("what this?", style = "font-si24pt")),   p("this pilot project."),   sliderinput("slider",                label = "",                min = 100,                max = 300,                value = 200),    imageoutput("logo", width = 200)       )     ) )) 

the server.r part:

 shinyserver(function(input, output) {    output$logo = renderimage({   img(src = "mylogo.png", width = input$slider)   }) }) 

additional information: image shows fine when use img(src = "mylogo.png", width = 200). also, i'm doing better feel building shiny apps.

img(src = "mylogo.png", width = input$slider) returning html. can use renderui instead of renderimage.

library(shiny) runapp(   list(ui = fluidpage(     titlepanel("nancy's brainstorming"),     sidebarlayout(           sidebarpanel(         h3(           strong("what this?", style = "font-si24pt")),         p("this pilot project."),         sliderinput("slider", label = "", min = 100, max = 300, value = 200),         uioutput('logo')       ),       mainpanel(         plotoutput("distplot")       )      )   ),   server = function(input, output, session) {     output$logo <- renderui({       img(src = "http://i.stack.imgur.com/mtqxa.png", width = as.integer(input$slider))     })   }   ) ) 

enter image description here


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