php - Getting data from a server with BasicValuePairName? -
i'm using jsonparser class create json sended server, need use receive information now, don't know how it, i'm noob, sorry. create json next part of code, , following class.
// building parameters params = new arraylist<namevaluepair>(); params.add(new basicnamevaluepair("userid", thought.getuser())); params.add(new basicnamevaluepair("timestamp", "" + thought.gettimestamp())); params.add(new basicnamevaluepair("message", thought.getmessage())); params.add(new basicnamevaluepair("address", thought.getaddress())); params.add(new basicnamevaluepair("latitude", "" + thought.getlatitude())); params.add(new basicnamevaluepair("longitude", "" + thought.getlongitude())); // getting json object // note create product url accepts post method jsonparser jsonparser = new jsonparser(); jsonobject json = jsonparser.makehttprequest(url_create_thought, "post", params);
public class jsonparser { static inputstream = null; static jsonobject jobj = null; static string json = ""; // constructor public jsonparser() { } // function json url // making http post or mehtod public jsonobject makehttprequest(string url, string method, list<namevaluepair> params) { // making http request try { // check request method if(method.equalsignorecase("post")){ // request method post // defaulthttpclient defaulthttpclient httpclient = new defaulthttpclient(); httppost httppost = new httppost(url); httppost.setentity(new urlencodedformentity(params)); httpresponse httpresponse = httpclient.execute(httppost); httpentity httpentity = httpresponse.getentity(); = httpentity.getcontent(); }else if(method.equalsignorecase("get")){ // request method defaulthttpclient httpclient = new defaulthttpclient(); string paramstring = urlencodedutils.format(params, "utf-8"); url += "?" + paramstring; httpget httpget = new httpget(url); httpresponse httpresponse = httpclient.execute(httpget); httpentity httpentity = httpresponse.getentity(); = httpentity.getcontent(); } } catch (unsupportedencodingexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } catch (clientprotocolexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } try { bufferedreader reader = new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader( is, "iso-8859-1"), 8); stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder(); string line = null; while ((line = reader.readline()) != null) { sb.append(line + "\n"); } is.close(); json = sb.tostring(); } catch (exception e) { log.e("buffer error", "error converting result " + e.tostring()); } // try parse string json object try { jobj = new jsonobject(json.tostring()); } catch (jsonexception e) { log.e("json parser", "error parsing data " + e.tostring()); } // return json string return jobj; } }
the part in server think it's ok.
server values part
<?php /* * following code list products */ // array json response $response = array(); // include db connect class require_once __dir__ . '/db_connect.php'; // connecting db $db = new db_connect(); // products products table $result = mysql_query("select * thoughts") or die(mysql_error()); // check empty result if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { // looping through results // products node $response["thoughts"] = array(); echo '<center><div class="datagrid"><table>'; echo '<thead><tr><th>id</th><th>userid</th><th>timestamp</th><th>message</th><th>address</th><th>latitude</th><th>longitude</th></tr></thead><tbody>'; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // temp user array $thought = array(); $thought["id"] = $row["id"]; $thought["userid"] = $row["userid"]; $thought["timestamp"] = $row["timestamp"]; $thought["message"] = $row["message"]; $thought["address"] = $row["address"]; $thought["latitude"] = $row['latitude']; $thought["longitude"] = $row['longitude']; echo '<tr><td>'.$row['id'].'</td><td>'.$row['userid'].'</td><td>'.$row['timestamp'].'</td><td>'.$row['message'].'</td><td>'.$row['address'].'</td><td>'.$row['latitude'].'</td><td>'.$row['longitude'].'</td></tr>'; // push single product final response array array_push($response["thoughts"], $thought); } // success $response["success"] = 1; // echoing json response //echo json_encode($response); echo '</table></center>'; } else { // no products found $response["success"] = 0; $response["message"] = "no events found"; // echo no users json echo json_encode($response); } ?>
what it's correct way data in android?? need put in params?
jsonparser jsonparser = new jsonparser(); jsonobject json = jsonparser.makehttprequest(url_create_thought, **"get"**, params);
thanks help.
here simple way u want json-return url :
string surl = ""; //just string // connect url using java's native library url url = new url(surl); httpurlconnection request = (httpurlconnection) url.openconnection(); request.connect(); // convert json object print data jsonparser jp = new jsonparser(); //from gson jsonelement root = jp.parse(new inputstreamreader((inputstream) request.getcontent())); //convert input stream json element jsonobject rootobj = root.getasjsonobject(); //may array, may object. zipcode=rootobj.get("zipcode").getasstring();//just grab zipcode
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