twitter bootstrap - My grunt-recess task won't compile properly -

my has:

recess:   dist:     options:       compile: true       includepath: ['public/bower_components/bootstrap-less/less']     src: 'dist/assets/ln.css'     dest: 'public/stylesheets/ln.less' 

and ln.less super simple: @import "../bower_components/bootstrap-less/less/bootstrap.less";

when grunt recess, get:

running "recess:dist" (recess) task verifying property recess.dist exists in config...ok files: public/stylesheets/ln.less -> dist/assets/ln.css options: banner="", compress=false, footer="", compile, includepath=["public/bower_components/bootstrap-less/less"] >> parser error in public/bower_components/bootstrap-less/less/mixins.less >>      643.   padding-right: (@grid-gutter-width / 2); >>      644.   &:extend(.clearfix all); >>      645. } warning:  use --force continue.  aborted due warnings. 

what doing wrong?

as per comment seven-phases-max, i'm using grunt-contrib-less task , seems work well.


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