mvc - Include script in orchard cms partiall view? -
i have partial view in orchard cms have include, problem when include using script page not loading?
here partilla view called
@using orchard.mvc.html; @using orchard.ui.resources; @using (script.head()) { <style type="text/css"> .featureslider li { height:@(; width:@(; background-color:@(backgroundcolor); } .featureslider li h2, .featureslider li h3, .featureslider li h2 a, .featureslider l1 p.slidenumbers { color:@(foregroundcolor) !important; } .featureslider li span { width:@(; height:@(; } .featureslider li span img, .featureslider li span img { width:@(; height:@(; } div#slidenav a.activeslide { background-color: @(foregroundcolor); } .featureslider li p { position: relative; top:@( - 25)px; } .headline { padding-top: @(; } .headline, .headline + h3 { padding-left: @(; } </style> } using (script.foot()) { } @foreach(var item in model) { string text = system.text.regularexpressions.regex.replace(item.contentitem.bodypart.text, "<.*?>", string.empty); @text <br /> foreach(var sub in item.contentitem.slideritem.picture.mediaparts) { @sub.mediaurl <br /> } <br /> <br /> <br /> }
but not loaing view blank? if removescripts head annd foot, working ok? problem?
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