Embed MySQL in shell script -

how insert data table using mysql using shell script? maximum number of records change based on parameter. should use for loop in shell script embedded mysql?

i have attached attempt below, , not inserting record. can review , correct me please?

#!/bin/bash  mysql -u root -p"" << eof  use school;  eof  echo -n "enter numebr of students enroll"  read  echo -n "enter marks"  read marks  (( i=1; i‹= 10; i++ ))      for((sub=1; sub‹= 8; sub++ ))   echo "enter subject name"  read subject  if [$marks=y | y<=100 | y>=0]  << eof  insert students('id$i',$subject,$marks)  eof  echo record inserted 

you can use mysql command in shell script execute query shown below:

$./script.sh 10  limit=$1 for(i=1;i<limit;i++){      //input value $v1      //input value $v2     //input value $v3      mysql --host=database_host_name --user=mysql_user --password=mysql_user_password your_db_name << eof     insert your_table (col1,col2,col3) values('$v1','$v2','$v3');     eof } 


don't forgot quote variable single quotes (for varchar field)


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