image processing - Get the object position by using bwconncomp in Matlab -

for segmentation, there function in matlab bwconncomp. can calculate number of detected objects.

  im=imread('mountain.ppm');   [seg_im] = normalize_segmentation(im);   im_filt=medfilt2(seg_im,[3 3]);    se=strel('disk',2);   seg_im = imclose(im_filt,se);   obj_im= bwconncomp(seg_im,6)    obj_im =   connectivity: 6    imagesize: [30 32]   numobjects: 1 pixelidxlist: {[129x1 double]} 

and when acces pixelidxlist, maximum value 834.

what 834? because image size 30x32.

and how can positon of object using pixelidxlist/bwconncomp information?

a @ manual tell linear index:

 pixelidxlist:   1-by-numobjects cell array kth element                  in cell array vector containing linear                  indices of pixels in kth object. 

if want them in x , y format, use ind2sub function:

[x,y]=ind2sub(size(im), obj_im.pixelidxlist) 

one example:

[x,y]=ind2sub(size(im), 834)  x =      24  y =      28 


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