Android inserting value in database in background -

i using asyntask enter value in database. in in backgroud method calling method.

           private void calllogin() {              getdatafromapi getdatafromapi = new getdatafromapi(url);               if (!istablefalse) {               log.e("mai gaaya syncronise data base mai", "ha mai aya");              string message =     getdatafromapi.postsignin().tostring().trim();               syncronisedatabase(message);               populatechurchlistonvalidating                     .populatechurchlist(parsejsontoarraylist());             } else {               try {                  loginvalue =                integer.parseint(getdatafromapi.postsignin());                      log.e("login value", "" + loginvalue);                } catch (numberformatexception nfe) {                  nfe.printstacktrace();              }          }          } 

and syncronisedatabase(message) this

      private void syncronisedatabase(string messtring) { 

log.e("url in syncronisation", ""+ url);

              try {                inserttable inserttable = new inserttable();                jsonobject jsonobject = new jsonobject(messtring);       inserttable.addrowformembertable(jsonobject.getstring(       registrationappconstant.member_id),          jsonobject.getstring(registrationappconstant.client_id),          jsonobject.getstring(registrationappconstant.firstname),          jsonobject.getstring(registrationappconstant.surname),          jsonobject.getstring(registrationappconstant.email_id),         jsonobject.getstring(registrationappconstant.password));                log.e("inserting data done", "" + "done");            } catch (jsonexception e) {              // todo auto-generated catch block              e.printstacktrace();          }      } 

and class forinserttable this

        public class inserttable {         public void addrowformembertable(string memberid,             string clientid, string                 firstname,string surname, string emailidstring, string passwordstring)              {            log.e("name", "" + memberid + "  " + clientid + " " + firstname + " "                 + surname + " " + emailidstring + " " +                    passwordstring);             contentvalues contentvalue = new contentvalues();           contentvalue.put(appconstant.mcm_member_memeber_id, memberid);          contentvalue.put(appconstant.mcm_member_client_id, clientid);          contentvalue.put(appconstant.mcm_member_first_name, firstname);           contentvalue.put(appconstant.mcm_member_last_name, surname);           contentvalue.put(appconstant.mcm_member_email_id, emailidstring);           contentvalue.put(appconstant.mcm_member_password, passwordstring);          log.e("cotent value", "" + contentvalue);            try {        splashactivity.databasehelper.insertintotable(       splashactivity.databasehelper.getwritabledatabase(),                         appconstant.member_table_name,                               contentvalue);                     }              catch (exception e) {         e.printstacktrace();           }        }        } 

this json string


but code not executing after line , hence not able insert value.i have bold log after not executing.please tell why not executing?

problem tring values jsonobject, in reality it's json array. (json string starts [.

try this:

      jsonarray jsonarray = new jsonarray(messtring);       jsonobject jsonobject = jsonarray.get(0);       inserttable.addrowformembertable(jsonobject.getstring(registrationappconstant.member_id), jsonobject.getstring(registrationappconstant.client_id), ..... ..... 


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