javascript - Google Maps address form integration sending white screen -
i have website build in php smarty + added bootstrap. problem when add script integrating google maps, white screen.
if remove inline script (here above script) blank screen disappears. tried removing each function 1 one inline script , still got blank screen. did not work until removed functions.
<script type="text/javascript"> var placesearch, autocomplete; var componentform = { street_number: 'short_name', route: 'long_name', locality: 'long_name', administrative_area_level_1: 'short_name', country: 'long_name', postal_code: 'short_name' }; function initialize() { autocomplete = new google.maps.places.autocomplete( (document.getelementbyid('autocomplete')), { types: ['geocode'] }); google.maps.event.addlistener(autocomplete, 'place_changed', function() { fillinaddress(); }); } function fillinaddress() { var place = autocomplete.getplace(); (var component in componentform) { document.getelementbyid(component).value = ''; document.getelementbyid(component).disabled = false; } (var = 0; < place.address_components.length; i++) { var addresstype = place.address_components[i].types[0]; if (componentform[addresstype]) { var val = place.address_components[i][componentform[addresstype]]; document.getelementbyid(addresstype).value = val; } } } function geolocate() { if (navigator.geolocation) { navigator.geolocation.getcurrentposition(function(position) { var geolocation = new google.maps.latlng( position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude); autocomplete.setbounds(new google.maps.latlngbounds(geolocation, geolocation)); }); } } </script>
the main elements targeting google maps module of webpage this:
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href=",400,500"> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript">here script above</script> <div id="map_canvas" style="height: 100px; width=100px;"></div> <script type="text/javascript">initialize();</script>
my full page can found here please me noob in javascript.
edit 2
i managed place auto-suggest id , working , auto-suggesting. not auto filling form. when start console , type country in field id="autocomplete"
in console typeerror: document.getelementbyid(...) null
on line 27 in javascript, here --> document.getelementbyid(component).value = '';
within function fillinaddress()
. current html looks part focusing is:
<div class="form"> <label class="title-submit">{'webmastersubmitwebsite_adress'|lang}</label> <div class="infos-submit"><input id="autocomplete" onfocus="geolocate()" type="text" class="input_text_large_submit" name="address"/></div> </div><br> <div class="form"> <label class="title-submit">{'webmastersubmitwebsite_postal_code'|lang}</label> <div class="infos-submit"><input id="postal_code" class="input_text_small" name="zipcode" disabled="true" /></div> </div><br> <div class="form"> <label class="title-submit">{'webmastersubmitwebsite_city'|lang}</label> <div class="infos-submit"><input id="locality" class="input_text_large_submit" name="city" disabled="true" /></div> </div><br> <div class="form"> <label class="title-submit">{'webmastersubmitwebsite_country'|lang}</label> <div class="infos-submit"><input id="country" class="input_text_large_submit" name="country" disabled="true" autocomplete="on" /></div> </div><br>
take @ line of code:
autocomplete = new google.maps.places.autocomplete( (document.getelementbyid('autocomplete')), { types: ['geocode'] });
in particular expression:
that looking element id
attribute autocomplete
. specifically, wants input
element. (btw don't need parentheses around expression.)
do have element anywhere in html?
<input id="autocomplete" placeholder="enter city or address" />
once add autocomplete should start working.
now, how did find that, , how can find problems yourself? have used javascript debugger in chrome or other browsers? key finding errors this.
i added statement @ beginning of initialize()
then loaded page chrome developer tools open. stopped on statement, , stepped through code (stepping on function calls). there uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'value' of null
message when stepped on autocomplete()
the cause of message inside autocomplete()
passed null
value function. pasted part chrome console , ran it:
sure enough, evaluated null
, , there it's easy figure out problem is.
there lot of great info on chrome developer tools , similar tools other browsers. start introduction chrome devtools, , section debugging javascript.
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