php - Zend\File\Transfer\Adapter\Http on receive : error "File was not found" with jQuery File Upload -

here 2 questions problem

zf2 file upload jquery file upload - file not found

can't blueimp / jquery-file-upload , zf2 running

without ansers. , i'm create issue on zf2 code examples.

and have request developer on email question, how implement jquery file upload zf2.

so, there real problem many peple, , no manuals, no answers. please, before send me read documentation, notice, i'm spend many hours on problem , read documentation , not i'm have problem.

please, write manual code examples, how implement it. or answer, why have error , how resolve it?

there i'm copy example zf2 issue.

i'm try use jquery-file-upload copy standard tpl, include css , scrypts , it's work, send files controller. controller doesn't work.

here code

public function processjqueryaction()     {         $request   = $this->getrequest();         $response  = $this->getresponse();         $jsonmodel = new \zend\view\model\jsonmodel();          if ($request->ispost()) {              try {                 $datas          = [];                 $datas['files'] = [];                 $uploadpath     = $this->getfileuploadlocation();                 $uploadfiles    = $this->params()->fromfiles('files');  //                throw new \exception(json_encode("files " . serialize($_files)));                  // Сохранение выгруженного файла                 $adapter = new \zend\file\transfer\adapter\http();                 $adapter->setdestination($uploadpath);                 $adapter->setvalidators(array(                     new \zend\validator\file\extension(array(                         'extension' => array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'rtf')                             )                     ), //                    new \zend\validator\file\upload()                 ));                  if (!$adapter->isvalid()) {                     throw new \exception(json_encode("!isvalid " . implode(" ", $adapter->getmessages())));                 }                  $files = $adapter->getfileinfo(); //                throw new \exception(json_encode($files));                  foreach ($files $file => $info) { //                    throw new \exception(json_encode($info));                      $name = $adapter->getfilename($file);                      // file uploaded & valid                     if (!$adapter->isuploaded($file)) {                         throw new \exception(json_encode("!isuploaded") . implode(" ", $adapter->getmessages()));                         continue;                     }                      if (!$adapter->isvalid($file)) {                         throw new \exception(json_encode("!isvalid " . implode(" ", $adapter->getmessages())));                         continue;                     }                      // receive files user directory                     $check = $adapter->receive($file); // has on top                      if (!$check) {                         throw new \exception(json_encode("! receive" . implode(" ", $adapter->getmessages())));                     }                      /**                      * "name": "picture1.jpg",                       "size": 902604,                       "url": "http:\/\/\/files\/picture1.jpg",                       "thumbnailurl": "http:\/\/\/files\/thumbnail\/picture1.jpg",                       "deleteurl": "http:\/\/\/files\/picture1.jpg",                       "deletetype": "delete"                      */                     $fileclass             = new stdclass();                     // stripped out image thumbnail our purpose, security reasons                     // add in here.                     $fileclass->name       = $name;                     $fileclass->size       = $adapter->getfilesize($name);                     $fileclass->type       = $adapter->getmimetype($name);                     $fileclass->deleteurl  = '/uploads/delete';                     $fileclass->deletetype = 'delete';                     //$fileclass->error = 'null';                     $fileclass->url        = '/';                      $datas['files'][] = $fileclass;                 }                  $response->getheaders()->addheaders(array(                     'pragma'        => 'no-cache',                     'cache-control' => 'private, no-cache',                     "content-type"  => 'application/json'                 ));  //                return $response->setcontent(json_encode(array('files' => $files)));                 return $response->setcontent(json_encode($datas));             } catch (\exception $e) {                  return $response->setcontent(json_encode($e->getmessage()));             }         }          return $jsonmodel;  } 

sorry debug code, can see, i'm try hard make work, on 3 hours.

error "file 'cimg0042.jpg' not found"

when i'm call $adapter->isvalid() or when call file name, same error. path, files uploaded, correct , writable. $_files array exist , valid.

here $_files json

files a:1:{s:5:\"files\";a:5:{s:4:\"name\";a:1:{i:0;s:28:\"52876065d17dce0a7472e5d6.jpg\";}s:4:\"type\";a:1:{i:0;s:10:\"image\/jpeg\";}s:8:\"tmp_name\";a:1:{i:0;s:14:\"\/tmp\/phpmft2mb\";}s:5:\"error\";a:1:{i:0;i:0;}s:4:\"size\";a:1:{i:0;i:82640;}}} 

and result of $files = $adapter->getfileinfo();


isuploaded passes, isvalid not.

what i'm doing wrong?

documentation this

zend_file_transfer has been deprecated in favor of using standard zf2 zend\form , zend\inputfilter features.

maybe it's mean, form need used file uploading in way?

upd 25.05.14

now i'm add form

class uploadjqueryform extends baseform {      public function __construct()     {         parent::__construct(__class__);         $this->setattribute('method', 'post');         $this->setattribute('enctype', 'multipart/form-data');          $this->init();     }      public function init()     {         $fileupload = new element\file('files');         $fileupload->setlabel("files");         $fileupload->setattribute('multiple', 'multiple');         $this->add($fileupload);          $button = new element\button('start');         $button->setattribute("type", 'submit');         $button->setvalue("start upload")->setlabel("start upload");         $this->add($button);          $button = new element\button('cancel');         $button->setattribute("type", 'reset');         $button->setvalue("cancel upload")->setlabel("cancel upload");         $this->add($button);          $button = new element\button('delete');         $button->setattribute("type", 'button');         $button->setvalue("delete")->setlabel("delete");         $this->add($button);          $checkbox = new element\checkbox('toggle');         $checkbox->setvalue("toggle")->setlabel("toggle");         $checkbox->setattribute("required", "");         $this->add($checkbox);     }  } 

use it

public function processjqueryaction()     {         $form      = new \users\form\uploadjqueryform();         $request   = $this->getrequest();         $response  = $this->getresponse();         $jsonmodel = new \zend\view\model\jsonmodel();          try {              if ($request->ispost()) {                  $data = array_merge_recursive(                         $this->getrequest()->getpost()->toarray(), $this->getrequest()->getfiles()->toarray()                 );  //                throw new \exception(json_encode("data " . serialize($data)));                  $form->setdata($data);                 if ($form->isvalid()) {                     $datas          = [];                     $datas['files'] = [];                     $uploadpath     = $this->getfileuploadlocation(); //                $uploadfiles    = $this->params()->fromfiles('files'); //                throw new \exception(json_encode("files " . serialize($_files)));                     // Сохранение выгруженного файла                     $adapter        = new \zend\file\transfer\adapter\http();                     $adapter->setdestination($uploadpath);                     $adapter->setvalidators(array(                         new \zend\validator\file\extension(array(                             'extension' => array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'rtf')                                 )                         ),                     ));                      if (!$adapter->isvalid()) {                         throw new \exception(json_encode("!isvalid " . implode(" ", $adapter->getmessages())));                     }                      $files = $adapter->getfileinfo(); //                throw new \exception(json_encode($files));                      foreach ($files $file => $info) { //                    throw new \exception(json_encode($info));                          $name = $adapter->getfilename($file);                          // file uploaded & valid                         if (!$adapter->isuploaded($file)) {                             throw new \exception(json_encode("!isuploaded") . implode(" ", $adapter->getmessages()));                             continue;                         }                          if (!$adapter->isvalid($file)) {                             throw new \exception(json_encode("!isvalid " . implode(" ", $adapter->getmessages())));                             continue;                         }                          // receive files user directory                         $check = $adapter->receive($file); // has on top                          if (!$check) {                             throw new \exception(json_encode("! receive" . implode(" ", $adapter->getmessages())));                         }                          /**                          * "name": "picture1.jpg",                           "size": 902604,                           "url": "http:\/\/\/files\/picture1.jpg",                           "thumbnailurl": "http:\/\/\/files\/thumbnail\/picture1.jpg",                           "deleteurl": "http:\/\/\/files\/picture1.jpg",                           "deletetype": "delete"                          */                         $fileclass             = new stdclass();                         // stripped out image thumbnail our purpose, security reasons                         // add in here.                         $fileclass->name       = $name;                         $fileclass->size       = $adapter->getfilesize($name);                         $fileclass->type       = $adapter->getmimetype($name);                         $fileclass->deleteurl  = '/uploads/delete';                         $fileclass->deletetype = 'delete';                         //$fileclass->error = 'null';                         $fileclass->url        = '/';                          $datas['files'][] = $fileclass;                     }                      $response->getheaders()->addheaders(array(                         'pragma'        => 'no-cache',                         'cache-control' => 'private, no-cache',                         "content-type"  => 'application/json'                     ));                      return $response->setcontent(json_encode($datas));                 } else {                     throw new \exception(json_encode("!isvalid form" . serialize($form->getmessages())));                 }             }         } catch (\exception $e) {              return $response->setcontent(json_encode($e->getmessage()));         }          return $jsonmodel; 

and still error file '24866-fu-blyad-otvratitelno.jpg' not found

also tried inputfilter

class uploadjqueryfilter extends inputfilter implements inputfilterawareinterface {      public function __construct()     {         $this->getinputfilter();     }      public function getinputfilter()     {         $toggle = new input('toggle');         $toggle->setrequired(false);         $this->add($toggle);          $files = new \zend\inputfilter\fileinput('files');         $files->setrequired(true);         $files->getvalidatorchain()->attach(new validator\file\uploadfile);         $files->getfilterchain()->attach(new \zend\filter\file\renameupload(array(             'target'    => __dir__ . '/../../../../../../tmpuploads/tmp',             'randomize' => true,         )));         $this->add($files);          return $this;     }      public function setinputfilter(inputfilterinterface $inputfilter)     {         return false;     }  } 

and have same error.

i had problem too. wasting several hours before found problem. turn out it's because name attribute input tag cannot set 'files'.

so no:

<input id="files" type="file" name="files" data-url="/upload-action" /> 

changing name attribute string other files such file solve problem.

<input id="files" type="file" name="file" data-url="/upload-action" /> 

i see $_files had set name files. try changing that. make sure update reference made in controller too.


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