android - Cannot find if a view is not visible on screen in a ScrollView. Always returns true -

i have been trying determine if textview can seen on screen, if not want display small text saying "scroll read". have tried various methods questions this , many others too. in detail fragment of master-detail layout, have fragment, contains framelayout. framelayout has scrollview in , textview in front saying "scroll read" (which keep invisible until textview news article in scrollview not visible). eg, wont display "scroll read" textview here or here, display here. right now, visible testing purposes.

the layout here. scrollview scroller. when image available viewstub article_header_stub_import used given in bottom of file. want check if textview body visible or not. added wastedtext below body checking shown visible in cases.

i have tried different things solutions, getting gethitrect scrollinglinearlayout or scroller or detailframelayout , detail fragment. code similar question linked , using log.d(...) see check if-else case.

i using picasso load image , doing coding in success callback of picasso, eg this:

picassoinstance.load(mimageurl).into(mmainimageview, new callback() {              @override             public void onsuccess() {                 log.d(tag_async, "image loaded");                 mtesttextview.setvisibility(view.visible);                  rect scrollbounds = new rect();                 mscrollview.gethitrect(scrollbounds);                 if (mtesttextview.getlocalvisiblerect(scrollbounds)) {                     // portion of imageview, single pixel,                     // within visible window                     log.d(tag_async, "is visible");                 } else {                     // none of imageview within visible window                     log.d(tag_async, "not visible");                 }              }              @override             public void onerror() {                 // todo auto-generated method stub              }         }); 

i have tried getheight, gettop, getbottom etc. returns 0.

i not able use rect. searched "view getheight 0". although still dont understand why height returning 0 (although happening in onpostexecute of asynctask , after image loaded picasso), used globallistener height , compare screen.

picassoinstance.load(mimageurl).into(mmainimageview, new callback() {  @override public void onsuccess() {     log.d(tag_async, "image loaded");      mmainimageview.getviewtreeobserver().addongloballayoutlistener(             new viewtreeobserver.ongloballayoutlistener() {                  @suppresswarnings("deprecation")                 @suppresslint("newapi")                 @override                 public void ongloballayout() {                      //get display metrics according sdk                     display display = getwindowmanager().getdefaultdisplay();                     point screen = new point();                     if (build.version.sdk_int >= build.version_codes.honeycomb_mr2) {                         display.getsize(screen);                     } else {                         screen.x = display.getwidth();                         screen.y = display.getheight();                     }                      //statusbar height                     int statusbarheight = 0;                     int resid = getresources().getidentifier("status_bar_height", "dimen", "android");                     if (resid > 0) {                         statusbarheight = getresources().getdimensionpixelsize(resid);                     }                      //actionbar height                     typedvalue tv = new typedvalue();                     int actionbarheight = 0;                     if (gettheme().resolveattribute(android.r.attr.actionbarsize, tv, true)) {                         actionbarheight = typedvalue.complextodimensionpixelsize(,                                 getresources().getdisplaymetrics());                     }                      //check                     log.d(tag_async, "msubtitlelayout " + msubtitlelayout.getheight());                     log.d(tag_async, "mmainimageview " + mmainimageview.getheight());                     log.d(tag_async, "marticletextview " + marticletextview.gettop());                     log.d(tag_async, "total height " + screen.y);                     log.d(tag_async, "status bar " + statusbarheight);                     log.d(tag_async, "action bar " + actionbarheight);                      //boolean check if image+subtitle large enough.                     //if yes, display "scroll read"                     displayscrolltoread = (screen.y - statusbarheight - actionbarheight) < (marticletextview                             .gettop()) * 1.08;                     log.d(tag_async, "displayscrolltoread " + displayscrolltoread);                      if (displayscrolltoread) {                         mscrolltoreadlayout.setvisibility(view.visible);                         log.d(tag_async, "visiblity - " + mscrolltoreadlayout.getvisibility());                     }                      //remove globallayoutlistener according sdk                     if (build.version.sdk_int > build.version_codes.ice_cream_sandwich_mr1) {                         mmainimageview.getviewtreeobserver().removeongloballayoutlistener(this);                     } else {                         mmainimageview.getviewtreeobserver().removeglobalonlayoutlistener(this);                     }                  }              });  }  @override public void onerror() {      log.d(tag_async, "image not loaded!!!");  } }); 


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