jquery - Issue Adding Mouse Hover Animation to HTML5 Canvas Drawings -

could please take @ this demo , let me know how add css animation drawing via css3 or jquery? want make circle bigger or change background color on mouseover.

<canvas id="mycanvas" width="200" height="100" style="border:1px solid #d3d3d3;">your browser not support html5 canvas tag.</canvas>   var c = document.getelementbyid("mycanvas"); var ctx = c.getcontext("2d"); ctx.beginpath(); ctx.arc(95, 50, 20, 0, 2 * math.pi); ctx.fillstyle = "#ff8c00"; ctx.fill(); ctx.linewidth = 4; ctx.strokestyle = '#2d2d2d'; ctx.stroke(); 

this tried:

ctx.hover(     function() {         ctx.animate({             fillstyle: 'yellow'         }, 300);     },     function() {         ctx.animate({             fillstyle: 'red'         }, 300);     } ); 

but didn't work! thanks.

you can't control html canvas drawings either css or jquery.

dom elements can trigger events on hover because objects , browser knows position , tracking mouse you.

unlike dom elements, canvas drawings pixels on canvas--not objects. after drawn, browser not track pixels , pixels cannot trigger events.

what typically done "simulate" hover behavior in canvas drawings using javascript.

  • listen mousemove events on canvas.

  • in mousemove handler, calculate if mouse inside circle.

  • if mouse has changed outside-circle inside-circle simulate hover.

  • if mouse has changed inside-circle outside-circle simulate blur.

since canvas drawings pixels, change way drawing looks must erase pixels , redraw desired effect. in case:

on simulated hover:

  • erase canvas

  • redraw circle larger or recolored fill

on simulated blur:

  • erase canvas

  • redraw circle original size , fill

and if want animate drawing on html canvas, must manually javascript:

  1. change circles properties incrementally (slightly increased size or changed color);

  2. erase canvas.

  3. draw circle in new incrementally changed state.

  4. repeat @ #1 until animation complete.

hint: using requestanimationframe gives high performance animations. r.a.f. lets create animation loops coordinated browser refreshes give performance.

example code , demo: http://jsfiddle.net/m1erickson/h3hc7/

<!doctype html> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="css/reset.css" /> <!-- reset css --> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js"></script>  <style>     body{ background-color: ivory; }     #canvas{border:1px solid red;} </style>  <script> $(function(){      // canvas related variables      var canvas=document.getelementbyid("canvas");     var ctx=canvas.getcontext("2d");     var $canvas=$("#canvas");     var canvasoffset=$canvas.offset();     var offsetx=canvasoffset.left;     var offsety=canvasoffset.top;     var scrollx=$canvas.scrollleft();     var scrolly=$canvas.scrolltop();      // create object represents circle      var circle={         cx:95,         cy:50,         radius:20,         blurcolor:"#ff8c00",         hovercolor:"red",         wasinside:false,     }      // draw circle on canvas first time      drawcircle(circle,false);       // draw circle on canvas in color represents hover state      function drawcircle(circle,isinside){         ctx.beginpath();         ctx.arc(circle.cx,circle.cy,circle.radius, 0, 2 * math.pi);         ctx.fillstyle = isinside ? circle.hovercolor : circle.blurcolor;         ctx.fill();         ctx.linewidth = 4;         ctx.strokestyle = '#2d2d2d';         ctx.stroke();         // save hover status of circle         circle.wasinside=isinside;     }       function handlemousemove(e){        // tell browser we're handling event        e.preventdefault();       e.stoppropagation();        // calculate mouse position        var mousex=parseint(e.clientx-offsetx);       var mousey=parseint(e.clienty-offsety);        // calculate if mouse inside circle        var dx=mousex-circle.cx;       var dy=mousey-circle.cy;       var isinside=dx*dx+dy*dy<=circle.radius*circle.radius;        // if mouse has either entered or exited circle       // erase , redraw circle reflect current        // hover state        if( isinside && !circle.wasinside ){           ctx.clearrect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height);           drawcircle(circle,isinside);       }else if( !isinside && circle.wasinside ){           ctx.clearrect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height);           drawcircle(circle,isinside);       }      }      // listen mousemove events      $("#canvas").mousemove(function(e){handlemousemove(e);});  }); // end $(function(){}); </script> </head> <body>     <canvas id="canvas" width=300 height=300></canvas> </body> </html> 


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