c# 4.0 - Indexer Class and AutoMapper C# -
how map 2 indexer class automapper? need map 2 models have property use collectionitem type. tried use automapper. doesn't work. please see example indexer class below:
public class collectionitem { private readonly ienumerable<string> _keys; private readonly idictionary<string, ilist<item>> _relatedcontents; private static readonly ilist<item> _emptylist = new list<item>(); public collectionitem(ienumerable<string> keys) { _keys = keys; _relatedcontents = new dictionary<string, ilist<item>>(); } public ilist<item> this[string key] { { if (!containskey(key)) { throw new keynotfoundexception("the given key not present in dictionary"); } return _relatedcontents.containskey(key) ? _relatedcontents[key] : _emptylist; } } public bool containskey(string key) { return !string.isnullorempty(key) && _keys.contains(key, stringcomparer.ordinalignorecase); } }
you can write own custom type resolver:
class fromcollection { private list<string> _items; public int count { { return _items.count; } } public string this[int index] { { return _items[index]; } set { _items[index] = value; } } public fromcollection() { _items = new list<string>(enumerable.repeat("", 10)); } } class tocollection { private list<string> _items; public string this[int index] { { return _items[index]; } set { _items[index] = value; } } public tocollection() { _items = new list<string>(enumerable.repeat("", 10)); } } class indexertypeconverter : typeconverter<fromcollection, tocollection> { protected override tocollection convertcore(fromcollection source) { tocollection result = new tocollection(); (int = 0; < source.count; i++) { result[i] = source[i]; } return result; } } internal class program { private static void main(string[] args) { mapper.createmap<fromcollection, tocollection>() .convertusing<indexertypeconverter>(); var src = new fromcollection(); src[3] = "hola!"; var dst = mapper.map<tocollection>(src); console.writeline(); } }
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