android - An error occurred evaluating root project .Could not create plugin of type 'AppPlugin' -
i have 18 applications trying execute using gradle. have tried gradle(1.6,,1.10) while executing getting error :
build failed total time: 3.817 secs d:\abc\def>gradle build failure: build failed exception. * where: build file 'd:\abc\def\build.gradle' line: 10 * went wrong: problem occurred evaluating root project 'abc'. > not create plugin of type 'appplugin'. * try: run --stacktrace option stack trace. run --info or --debug option more log output. build failed total time: 6.536 secs
my build.gradle file :
buildscript { repositories { mavencentral() } dependencies { classpath '' classpath 'de.felixschulze.gradle:gradle-app-plugin:1.1+' } } apply plugin: 'android' apply plugin: 'app' repositories { mavencentral() } dependencies { compile project(':libraries:navigationdrawer') compile project(':libraries:google-play-services_lib') compile files('libs/android-rome-feed-reader-1.0.0-r2.jar') compile files('libs/gcm.jar') compile files('libs/gson-2.2.2.jar') debugcompile files('libs/sdk-3.0.0.jar') compile files('libs/jdom-1.1.1-android-fork.jar') compile files('libs/libgoogleanalyticsv2.jar') } /* * upload vette2 server */ task uploadtovette2(type: exec) { commandline './scripts/' } /* * upload app server * pass paramter named:note * can call this: gradle uploadtoapp -pnote="some note here" */ task uploadtoapp(type: exec) { commandline './scripts/' if (project.hasproperty("note")){ args note } } app { apitoken = "19b1ba1d36ab4299a09a302f34169fe1" releasetype = 2 // alpha notify = 0 status = 2 notestype = 1 notes = "some notes." symbolsdirectory = file("build/symbols/") mappingfilenameregex = "r.txt" } android { defaultconfig { minsdkversion 9 targetsdkversion 9 } compilesdkversion 17 buildtoolsversion "17.0.0" productflavors { tigers { packagename "com.xx.aa" } bb { packagename "" } cc { packagename "" }
and on.
thanks replies
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