javascript - Highchart, One column as background for another -

there code

$(function(){new highcharts.chart({     chart: { renderto:'shopperschart_container', height: 460, zoomtype: 'xy' },      credits: { enabled: false },      title: { text: '' },      xaxis: { categories: ['april - 2014', 'may - 2014'] },      yaxis: [{ labels: { enabled: false, style: { color: '#89a54e' } }, min: 0, opposite: true, title: { style: { color: '#89a54e' }, text: '' } }, { gridlinewidth: 0, labels: { enabled: true, style: { color: '#4572a7' } }, min: 0, title: { style: { color: '#4572a7' }, text: 'visitors' } }, { gridlinewidth: 0, labels: { enabled: false, style: { color: '#aa4643' } }, min: 0, opposite: true, title: { style: { color: '#aa4643' }, text: '' } }, { gridlinewidth: 0, labels: { enabled: false, style: { color: '#ff8b00' } }, min: 0, opposite: true, title: { style: { color: '#ff8b00' }, text: '' } }, { gridlinewidth: 0, labels: { enabled: true, style: { color: '#ff8b00' } }, min: 0, opposite: true, title: { style: { color: '#ff8b00' }, text: 'mrm' } }],      series: [{ data: [160557, 33110], name: 'input', stack: 'input', type: 'column', yaxis: 1 }, { data: [174217, 34888], name: 'output', stack: 'output', type: 'column', yaxis: 1 }, { data: [235656, 1000417.0000], name: 'mrm', type: 'column', yaxis: 4, color: 'rgba(30, 144, 255, .5)', zindex:-1, grouping:false, pointpadding: 0.1, grouppadding: 0, borderwidth: 0 }] });}); 

as can see, there wrong offset third column (background). shows 'april' column in 'may' column.

could pleas me ?

thanks in advance.


well, wrong offset illustrated on this


according answer @sebastianbochan, solution this link. question duplicated on highchart forum

you disabled grouping, parameter moved last element. try disable


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