fortran - gfortran error: zgesvd in lapack -
i doing svd decomposition of square matrix a, a=u s vdag, , in fortran code, line reads
lwork = -1 call zgesvd( 'a', 'a', a%d, a%d, a%m, a%d, s, u%m, u%d, vdag%m, vdag%d,work, lwork, rwork, info ) lwork = int(work(1));deallocate(work); allocate(work(lwork)) call zgesvd( 'a', 'a', a%d, a%d, a%m, a%d, s, u%m, u%d, vdag%m, vdag%d,work, lwork, rwork, info )
when compiled gfortran, went through no error or warning. when run program, shows error message:
" ** on entry zgesvd parameter number 11 had illegal value "
i not figure out went wrong.
for reference, definitions of parameters:
type cmatrix integer(4) d complex(8), allocatable :: m(:,:) end type type (cmatrix) a,u,vdag allocate(a%m(dim,dim),u%m(dim,dim),vdag%m(dim,dim)) a%d = dim; u%m = dim; vdag%d = dim real(8) s(dim)
thanks in advance! xiaoyu
p.s. should mentioned such program runs smoothly when compiled ifort, gfortran gives runtime error shown above
--- problem solved!
it seems issue lies in how ifortran , gfortran allocates memory. defined in code usv type which:
type usv integer is_alloc type (cmatrix) u,v real(8), allocatable :: s(:) end usv
when initializing
type(usv) test_usv(:) allocate(test_usv(3)),
the value of is_alloc 0 using intel fortran compiler, while arbitrary number gfortran. need use value criterion allocating u v matrices:
if (is_alloc.eq.0) allocate(u%m(dim,dim)) end if
the fundamental problem not difference between ifort , gfortran. approach initialization of variables isn't valid fortran. unless initialize variable declaration, assignment statement, etc., value undefined. 1 way fix add default initialization type definition:
type usv integer is_alloc = 0 type (cmatrix) u,v real(8), allocatable :: s(:) end usv
another approach not track allocation status , rely upon intrinsic function fortran provides purpose:
if (.not. allocated (u%m) ) allocate(u%m(dim,dim))
p.s. best practice not rely upon specific numeric values kinds. kind values arbitrary , not number of bytes of type. compilers use number of bytes, others don't. 1 method specify number of bytes , have portable code use types provided iso fortran environment:
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env integer(int32) :: d real(real64), allocatable :: s(:)
the types named after number of bits. list of available types in "intrinsic modules" chapter of gfortran manual.
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