android - how to separate the content of a string? -
json gives me value contains 3 values within keep in separate
map gives me content, content has 3 values should separated, language occupies?
"mapa":[ "a:3:{s:7:\"address\";s:54:\"volc\u00e1n parinacota 1202-1220, chill\u00e1n, biob\u00edo, chile\"; s:3:\"lat\";s:19:\"-36.620445433045944\"; s:3:\"lng\";s:18:\"-72.07966608584445\"; }" ]
in json string , there 2 symbols guide through parsing :
{ - indicates jsonobject
[ - indicates jsonarray
when parsing json string, should go through items iteratively. understand how many jsonobjects , jsonarrays have in string , , should start parsing, use json-visualizer tool this website. :
example : see, root object jsonobject consists of jsonarray 3 jsononjects. parse such structure can use :
jsonobject jsonobj = new jsonobject(jsonstring); string result = jsonobject.getstring("success"); string error_number = jsonobject.getstring("error_number"); string error_message = jsonobject.getstring("error_message"); json array jsonarray = jsonobj.getjsonarray(); string[] names = new string[jsonarray.length()]; string[] formattednames = new string[jsonarray.length()]; for(int i=0;i<jsonarray.length();i++) { jsonobject jsonobject = jsonarray.getjsonobject(i); names [i] = jsonobject.getstring("name"); formattednames [i] = jsonobject.getstring("formattedname"); }
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