jquery - Appium throws Error while tapping an visible drop-down item on Android Device/Emulator -

hello appium developers,

i have issue while tapping visible drop-down item , please find below details replicate issue

steps followed automate:-

  1. tap on drop-down image lists items. --- taping working fine here
  2. check drop-down items listed ---- required items listed , visible
  3. tap on required drop-down item --- org.openqa.selenium.webdriverexception: unknown server-side error occurred while processing command. (warning: server did not provide stacktrace information) command duration or timeout: 240 milliseconds

note:- have tried click,flick etc events shows appium error.

can share thoughts on ?? missing anything....

really appreciate inputs.......

url :-http://jsfiddle.net/jqwidgets/pk7sp/

code snippet:-

webelement element=driver.findelement(by.xpath("//td[contains(text(),'nancy davolio')]"));  new touchactions(driver).singletap(element).perform(); 

appium logs:-

debug: appium request initiated @ /wd/hub/session/9f30590c753d7d2f7c7262f7b6d13 769/touch/click debug: request received params: {"element":"0.4438802069053054-1"} debug: proxying command info: making http request opts: {"url":" n/9f30590c753d7d2f7c7262f7b6d13769/touch/click","method":"post","json":{"element ":"0.4438802069053054-1"}} debug: proxied response received status 200: {"sessionid":"9f30590c753d7d2f 7c7262f7b6d13769","status":0,"value":null} post /wd/hub/session/9f30590c753d7d2f7c7262f7b6d13769/touch/click 200 588ms - 85 b debug: appium request initiated @ /wd/hub/session/9f30590c753d7d2f7c7262f7b6d13 769/element debug: request received params: {"using":"xpath","value":".//*[@id='dropdow nlistcontentcombobox']/input"} debug: proxying command info: making http request opts: {"url":" n/9f30590c753d7d2f7c7262f7b6d13769/element","method":"post","json":{"using":"xpa th","value":".//*[@id='dropdownlistcontentcombobox']/input"}} debug: proxied response received status 200: {"sessionid":"9f30590c753d7d2f 7c7262f7b6d13769","status":0,"value":{"element":"0.4438802069053054-2"}} post /wd/hub/session/9f30590c753d7d2f7c7262f7b6d13769/element 200 182ms - 124b debug: appium request initiated @ /wd/hub/session/9f30590c753d7d2f7c7262f7b6d13 769/element/0.4438802069053054-2/click debug: request received params: {"id":"0.4438802069053054-2"} debug: proxying command info: making http request opts: {"url":" n/9f30590c753d7d2f7c7262f7b6d13769/element/0.4438802069053054-2/click","method": "post","json":{"id":"0.4438802069053054-2"}} debug: proxied response received status 200: {"sessionid":"9f30590c753d7d2f 7c7262f7b6d13769","status":0,"value":null} post /wd/hub/session/9f30590c753d7d2f7c7262f7b6d13769/element/0.4438802069053054 -2/click 200 435ms - 85b debug: appium request initiated @ /wd/hub/session/9f30590c753d7d2f7c7262f7b6d13 769/element debug: request received params: {"using":"xpath","value":"//td[contains(tex t(),'nancy davolio')]"} debug: proxying command info: making http request opts: {"url":" n/9f30590c753d7d2f7c7262f7b6d13769/element","method":"post","json":{"using":"xpa th","value":"//td[contains(text(),'nancy davolio')]"}} debug: proxied response received status 200: {"sessionid":"9f30590c753d7d2f 7c7262f7b6d13769","status":0,"value":{"element":"0.4438802069053054-3"}} post /wd/hub/session/9f30590c753d7d2f7c7262f7b6d13769/element 200 118ms - 124b debug: appium request initiated @ /wd/hub/session/9f30590c753d7d2f7c7262f7b6d13 769/touch/click debug: request received params: {"element":"0.4438802069053054-3"} debug: proxying command info: making http request opts: {"url":" n/9f30590c753d7d2f7c7262f7b6d13769/touch/click","method":"post","json":{"element ":"0.4438802069053054-3"}} info: responding client error: {"status":13,"value":{"message":"an unkno wn server-side error occurred while processing command.","origvalue":"unknow n error: element not clickable @ point (89, 51). other element receive  click: <div class=\"overlay\" style=\"z-index: 99; -webkit-appearance: none ; background-color: black; opacity: 0.01; outline: none; border: none; padding: 0px; overflow: hidden; margin: 0px; left: 0px; top: 0px; position: absolute; wid th: 256px; height: 198px; background-position: initial initial; background-repea t: initial initial;\"></div>\n  (session info: chrome=34.0.1847.114)\n  (driver info: chromedriver=2.9.248315,platform=windows nt 6.1 sp1 x86_64)"},"sessionid": "9f30590c753d7d2f7c7262f7b6d13769"} post /wd/hub/session/9f30590c753d7d2f7c7262f7b6d13769/touch/click 500 219ms - 74 4b 

unknow n error: element not clickable @ point (89, 51). other element receive click:

from logs seems while clicking on element loader kind of stuff runs , appium trying click on element when loader still loading stuffs. can wait time thread.sleep or put logic wait till <div class='overlay' element disappears.


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